
Understanding the meaning of persistence is important for evaluating different data store system

Given the importance of the data store in most modern applications, making a poorly informed choice could mean substantial downtime or loss of data.

Persistence is “the continuance of an effect after its cause is removed”. In the context of storing data in a computer system, this means that the data survives after the process with which it was created has ended. In other words, for a data store to be considered persistent, it must write to non-volatile storage.

If you need persistence in your data store, then you need to also understand the four main design approaches that a data store can take and how (or if) these designs provide persistence:

Pure in-memory, no persistence at all, such as memcached or Scalaris
In-memory with periodic snapshots, such as Oracle Coherence or Redis
Disk-based with update-in-place writes, such as MySQL ISAM or MongoDB
Commitlog-based, such as all traditional OLTP databases (Oracle,
SQL Server, etc.)

In-memory approaches can achieve blazing speed, but at the cost of being limited to a relatively small data set. Most workloads have relatively small “hot” (active) subset of their total data; systems that require the whole dataset to fit in memory rather than just the active part are fine for caches but a bad fit for most other applications. Because the data is in memory only, it will not survive process termination. Therefore these types of data stores are not considered persistent.

The easiest way to add persistence to an in-memory system is with periodic snapshots to disk at a configurable interval. Thus, you can lose up to that interval’s worth of updates.

Update-in-place and commitlog-based systems store to non-volatile memory immediately, but only commitlog-based persistence provides Durability – the D in ACID – with every write persisted before success is returned to the client.
Reference from below link.